Curious For Christ | Spiritual Healing, Trust in God, Anxiety Bible Verses, God's Peace, Biblical Encouragement

82. Trust God with Your Finances: Overcoming Anxiety of Money

Alexandra Graff-Alvarez

In this episode of Curious for Christ, we dive into overcoming the anxiety around money and trusting God’s provision. Financial stress isn’t just about the numbers—it’s rooted in trust and identity.

Key Points:
Fear of Not Having Enough: Jesus reminds us that God provides for us, just as He does for the birds of the air (Matthew 6:25-26). Trusting God overcomes the fear of insufficiency.
The Pressure to Work Harder: God’s provision isn’t about our performance. Trust in Him, even when we can’t see how (Philippians 4:19).
Money as Identity: True peace comes when we find our worth in Christ, not our bank account (1 Timothy 6:6-10).
Striving vs. Abiding: Money won’t bring lasting peace—abiding in Christ does (John 15:4-5).
Overcoming Past Financial Trauma: Trust God to heal past financial wounds and break free from cycles of fear (Isaiah 41:10).

Trusting God to Break the Anxiety Cycle:
This week, start your day by sitting with God—read one scripture from today’s episode and ask Him to guide you toward freedom from financial worry. It doesn’t have to be perfect every day. Lean into the truth that God is with you and will provide exactly what you need. Share how God has guided you this week in the Curious for Christ Facebook community or by joining the newsletter. Email me back and let me know what God is speaking to you!

Call to Action: 

- Join the Curious for Christ Community and book a free Discovery Call to build a foundation of faith.
- Pray for God’s guidance and release from financial anxiety, trusting Him as your provider.

Until next time!

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Want to go deeper? Let's connect—set up a FREE Discovery Call today. See you next time!

Welcome to Curious for Christ. Welcome back for those who have been with me for a while. If you've ever felt stressed, overwhelmed or anxious about money, this episode is for you. Today, we're not just talking about budgets or financial strategies. I'm going to be diving deeper to uncover what's really Beneath the fear. The truth is financial anxiety isn't just about numbers. It's often tied to trust, identity, and where we find our security. And I want to be vulnerable here. I'm still learning. I've had seasons of financial success and times when things felt flat, and both brought their own challenges, because both success and failure, or what seemed like a lack of success according to the world's standards, were tied to beliefs that were shaped in my upbringing. So. Whether I'm experiencing a season of success or a more relaxed season, I've realized that both are opportunities to lean in, to explore, and ultimately, surrender them to God, and living by His standard, and not the incomplete one or the erroneous one that comes from my past and through each season, as I learned to bring my fears and my wrong beliefs to God, I discovered something deeper than money. It's a connection with him that is unshaken by my circumstances. And that's really true freedom. To walk with God in deep trust and to experience a peace that is constant beyond my bank account. Beyond my circumstances. And that's what I want for you too. God is like a mirror and walking with him will reveal with clarity where we are wandering and gently bring us back to what truly matters, which is life itself. So walking with him and understanding his word through scripture are essential, but it does take awareness and a willingness to dig deeper. Studies show that 73 percent of Americans rank finances as their number one stressor, regardless of income level. Even among wealthy individuals, anxiety about money persists. Proving that financial security alone doesn't bring peace. In fact, a study by the American Psychological Association found that people with high financial stress are twice as likely to experience physical health issues and emotional distress. But Jesus offers us a different perspective, one that is rooted in trust and peace, not fear and scarcity. So today, we're going to bring these hidden fears into the light and look at what scripture says about money, provision, and true peace. Because when we align with God's truth, we gain the confidence to live free from financial anxiety. Welcome to Curious for Christ. Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night, wondering about God's plan for your life? Maybe you wake up with big dreams, but feel unsure where to start or what your next step should be. If you're curious about exploring your faith and finding purpose, then you've come to the right place. Hi, I'm Alexandra. I too felt lost, unsure of the direction my life was taking. I yearned to understand my purpose and have someone guide me. But I kept telling myself I was too busy, the timing wasn't right, and my lack of clarity prevented me from being consistent, until I found Christ. He brought peace into my life and revealed the way to find purpose, by anchoring myself In this podcast, we'll journey together exploring the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of Him and cultivate your own personal relationship Christ. So open up your Bible, put in those earbuds and listen up because God is speaking to you. He is making everything new and you don't want to miss it. Let's get started. So number one, the fear of not having enough. I understand the struggle. Actually, one of the most common financial fears is the worry that we won't have enough, whether it's for bills, emergencies, or future security. And studies show that nearly 60 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and 40 percent of people can't cover a 400 emergency expense. This constant worry that is real can drain our peace and lead us to live in a scarcity mindset. Matthew 6 verses 25 through 26 says, Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns. And yet, your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? So here Jesus reminds us that God provides for His creation. How much more will He care for us? Financial security doesn't come from our bank balance, but from our trust in Him. Our decision to To put our trust in him, when we let go of the fear of insufficiency, we step into a deeper peace. We can become more open to God's guidance and resourceful, while fear actually paralyzes. And God will always provide, but we have to be open to his guidance. It may take the counter intuitive step to sit back. and present our request to God and then listen for his guidance instead of going and striving. But God provides deeply and it may take some rearrangement of the way we live. And God will guide us but he will provide in the way we do not always see. He always changes us first before he changes our circumstances. It doesn't mean we lack something or ought to be ashamed. It means God has all the resources and we are not meant to strive on our own. Number two, the pressure to work harder and the illusion of control. Our culture glorifies hustle and financial success, which makes it easy to believe that our value is tied to how much we earn. But even among those with high incomes, nearly 50 percent of millionaires still fear losing their wealth. And this shows that working harder doesn't guarantee peace. It often actually magnifies. Philippians 4 verse 19 says, God's provision isn't based on our performance. If we constantly push ourselves to exhaustion in the name of financial security, we miss the peace He freely gives. Trusting God means releasing control and believing he will provide even when we can't see. Number three, money as an identity marker. Many people tie their self worth to their financial status. A Harvard study found that people who define success by their income levels report significantly lower happiness compared to those who find purpose outside of money. 1 Timothy 6 verses 6 through 10 says, But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these We will be content. If money determines our value, we'll never feel secure. True contentment comes from knowing we are loved by God, not from what we earn. Peace will come when we detach our identity from wealth and anchor it in Christ. Number four, striving versus abiding in God's peace. They often overlap, but they're slightly different. And here, what I want to talk about is that our world tells us to strive for financial success, but research shows that past a certain income level, around 75, 000 per year, more money does not significantly increase happiness. In contrast, people who prioritize relationships, Faith and purpose, experience greater emotional wellbeing than those focused solely on wealth accumulation. John 15 verses four through five says, abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine. Neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine. You are the branches. Here, God calls us to abide in Him, not in the pursuit of wealth. When we stop striving and start trusting, we allow Him to bless us in ways beyond financial gain. Peace doesn't come from more money, it comes from resting in Him. Number five, overcoming past financial trauma. So, many people, me included, carry financial wounds from past struggles, or just meaning that we attach to what money is and studies show that childhood experiences with financial hardship shape long term money anxieties even in adulthood. If we've experienced luck we may fear it will happen again even if our current situation is stable. Isaiah 41 verse 10 says, fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. God reminds us here not to fear even when past experiences make us anxious. His presence is a constant source of peace, helping us break free from cycle of financial fear and trust in his plan for our future. So trusting God to break the anxiety cycle is essential. God needs to be first. This week, I want you to start your day by sitting with him. Read just one scripture from today's episode and ask God to guide you toward freedom from financial worry. What is he speaking to you? It doesn't have to be perfect every day. Lamentations 3 reminds us that his mercies are new every morning. Every day is a fresh start, another opportunity to draw closer to him. What thought over money is making you anxious? Lean into that today. Tomorrow may be something else. Today. Just lean into what is. And whether you have plenty or are in a season of lack, God understands you. He has placed you exactly where you are, so that you can seek Him. And He's right here. Right now. Think about that. The God of the universe, the one who created everything and holds it all in his hands, is inviting you to trust him. Why seek security in created things, when you can go directly to the creator, the one who created all of these resources. Sit in his presence and receive his perfect guidance. So make sure you join the Facebook community group at bit. ly forward slash Curious for Christ community, you may also join my newsletter and email me back with all the ways that God has spoken to you this week. If you're ready to peel back the layers of financial anxiety and learn how to truly rest in God's provision, I'd love to help. Let's uncover the root of financial stress and build a foundation of faith instead of fear that is tailored just for you. Check the show notes to book a free discovery call today or you may go to bit. ly for slash curious for Christ discovery and book with me. Let me pray. Father God we thank you for being our provider. Help us to release our fear of not having enough and trust that you will meet our every need. Teach us to abide in you and let go of anxiety over money. Align our hearts with your will so we can experience true peace and generosity. And in Jesus name I pray. Amen. for tuning in to Cures for Christ. If this episode encouraged you, go ahead and share it with a friend who needs peace in their finances. Remember, money doesn't define you. God does. His provision is more than enough. Lean into that, my friend, and see you next time. Hi, I hope you enjoyed today's episode. If so, would you like to take 30 seconds and share it with a friend who may also struggle with knowing God and His purpose for their life. Also, leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Podcast, and let me know what topics you'd like to hear about in the future. Your voice matters. I'll meet you back next Friday for another episode.