Curious For Christ | Spiritual Healing, Trust in God, Anxiety Bible Verses, God's Peace, Biblical Encouragement

81. Q&A: How do I Hear God's Voice over My Own or Satan's?

Alexandra Graff-Alvarez

Welcome to Curious for Christ! Today, we’re diving into a question many of us struggle with: How do we hear God’s voice over our own or Satan’s? If you’ve ever felt confused or wondered if you’re listening to the right things, this episode is for you.

1. The Desire Beneath the Question
Your desire to hear God’s voice shows a longing to follow His will. But uncertainty often creates doubt. How do we discern between God’s voice, our own, and the enemy’s?

2. Three Voices Competing for Our Attention
God’s Voice: Brings peace, aligns with Scripture, encourages, and leads with love.
Our Own Voice: Driven by emotions, insecurities, and doubt.
Satan’s Voice: Creates confusion, fear, and urgency.

3. How to Tune in to God’s Voice
Scripture: God never contradicts His Word. (Hebrews 4:12)
The Fruit Test: What fruit does this thought produce? (Galatians 5:22-23)
Stillness & Prayer: Quiet your heart to hear God’s gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-13).
Community & Counsel: God often speaks through others (Proverbs 11:14).
Obedience: Clarity often follows obedience.

4. When God Feels Silent
Silence doesn’t mean absence. Trust that God is working beneath the surface. (Psalm 46:10)

5. Final Encouragement
If you’re struggling to hear God, you’re not alone. It takes discernment, but God wants to speak to you. Make time to listen and trust He is leading you.

Next Steps:
- If you need guidance or are looking for a mentor, I’d be happy to help you on your journey. Schedule a free 15-minute discovery call with me at to see how spiritual growth and coaching might be the next step for you.

- Be sure to check out episodes 74, 67, 59 and 49 for more on cultivating stillness, Sabbath rest, digital detox, and biblical meditation as powerful tools to hear God's voice and experience His peace.

Thank you for listening! Share this episode with a friend, and remember—God is a God of clarity. Keep seeking Him, and you will hear His voice.

See you next time!

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Want to go deeper? Let's connect—set up a FREE Discovery Call today. See you next time!

Welcome back to Curious for Christ, where we explore the deep questions of faith and the struggles that come with them. This is our Q& A session. And today's topic is one that many of us wrestle with. How do I hear God's voice over my own or Satan's? If God is a God of clarity. Why do we so often feel confused? Why do we struggle to discern his voice from the noise of our own thoughts, fears, or even the enemy's lies? If you've ever found yourself asking, am I listening to the wrong things? Or why does God feel silent? This episode is for you. Welcome to Curious for Christ. Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night, wondering about God's plan for your life? Maybe you wake up with big dreams, but feel unsure where to start or what your next step should be. If you're curious about exploring your faith and finding purpose, then you've come to the right place. Hi, I'm Alexandra. I too felt lost, unsure of the direction my life was taking. I yearned to understand my purpose and have someone guide me. But I kept telling myself I was too busy, the timing wasn't right, and my lack of clarity prevented me from being consistent, until I found Christ. He brought peace into my life and revealed the way to find purpose, by anchoring myself In this podcast, we'll journey together exploring the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of Him and cultivate your own personal relationship with Christ. So open up your Bible, put in those earbuds and listen up because God is speaking to you. He is making everything new and you don't want to miss it. Let's get started. At the core of this question lies a deep longing, a desire to feel close to God, to connect with Him on a deeper level, and to know with confidence that we're walking in His will. So if you're wrestling with this question, I want to encourage you because it shows that you truly want to be led and to follow his guidance and know that God is eager to answer this longing. The challenge often comes when uncertainty arises and that's when doubt can slip in. So how do we discern God's voice? There's three voices that are competing for our attention and it's really important to know what they are and what they produce. There's God's voice, which brings peace. Even in conviction, it aligns with his word. It never contradicts scripture. It encourages, it builds and strengthens, it leads with love, not fear. And then there's our own voice, which is often driven by emotions, desires, or past experiences. It can be swayed by circumstances and insecurities. It tends to overanalyze, worry, or doubt. And then there's Satan's voice, which creates confusion and fear. fear. It accuses and condemns. Unlike God's conviction, which leads to change, to repentance, Satan's voice also pushes urgency and pressure rather than peace. It distracts and distances us from God. And so, how do we tune into God's voice? Well, number one, Scripture is the ultimate filter. God will never contradict His Word. If what we hear conflicts with Scripture, it's not from Him. Hebrews 4 verse 12 says, For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. So, test everything through the word. Number two, I call it the fruit test. Ask yourself, what fruit does this thought or voice produce in your heart? Galatians 5, verses 22 and 23 tells us that God's Spirit produces love. Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. If a thought leads to fear, shame, or hopelessness, It's not from God. I've learned that when overwhelming emotions rise up, instead of pushing them away or letting them control me, I can lean into them with curiosity. And I ask, What is this feeling trying to tell me? Sometimes it reveals a belief I'm still holding on to, something from my past that isn't from God, but has shaped the way that I see God and the world today, still. And rather than letting these emotions define my response, I bring them to God. I see God as an ally. Someone who deeply desires connection with me and wants my best. Recently I had to take my son to the ER late at night. He had rashes and other symptoms. And the whole experience was really triggering because hospitals have been a place of loss for me and pain in my past. But, instead of Being consumed by fear or anger or confusion toward God. I chose to be present I did what I needed to do. I showed up for my son, but in that moment. I also realized something. I wasn't just reacting to the present. I was confronting emotions from my past that were still influencing me. And so that night became an opportunity for healing instead of fear ruling me and telling myself Here I am again, or this is not comfortable, this reminds me again of the same story, will I ever change? I invited God into those deeper places, the ones that I sometimes actually avoid, or don't even realize that are still there When I did. God met me with his peace. He replaced fear with his steady presence, with his strength, and a reminder that this is not the end. This is just a moment. So every overwhelming situation is an invitation to let God in a little deeper. I just wanted to share that. We can lean into what we are truly feeling and thinking about and let that be a source of information of what we need to give to God. And it's a process, but it's a great one because It ultimately will lead you to a deeper trust with God and a greater relationship. Number three, so we've talked about the scripture as the ultimate filter, then the fruit test, number three, stillness and prayer. God speaks in stillness. 1 Kings 19 verses 11 through 13 says, He was not in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a gentle whisper. Our world is loud. Our minds are loud, you know. And so if we want to hear God, we must quiet our hearts and give Him space to speak. And if you want to dive deeper into stillness, check out episode 74. 67, 59, and 49. 74, 67, 59, and 49. Those are episodes where I explore digital detox, Sabbath rest, biblical meditation, as powerful ways to cultivate peace in your life. Alright, number four, community and wise counsel. Sometimes God speaks through people. A trusted mentor. or a pastor or a godly friend all these can help confirm or challenge what we think we are hearing. Proverbs 11 verse 14 says, where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Number five, obedience opens the door to clarity. Sometimes we don't hear God because He already spoke and we haven't obeyed what He already told us to do. When we step out in faith, clarity often follows. So I want to share a few words when God feels silence. Silence doesn't mean absence. Sometimes God is working beneath the surface and He's stretching our faith before He brings clarity over what we need to do next. Psalm 46 verse 10 says, Be still and know that I am God. So trust that in his time he will make things clear. Sometimes you need to take a step forward to change something and find clarity and peace and other times you just need to be still and wait. But in all things God works for the good of those who love him, like Romans 8 verse 28 says. So if you're inviting him into your decisions you can trust that you won't make the wrong choice because in all things he will work for the good. Amen. So this is it for today. If you're struggling to hear God Just know that you're not alone. It takes discernment and a willingness to intentionally seek Him and make time for Him. But know that God wants to speak to you. He is speaking. The question is, are we in a position to listen? So take time today to be still, to read His Word and to ask, God, what are you saying? And trust that He is leading you, even when you don't yet see the full picture. Thank you for joining me today on Curious for Christ. If this episode resonated with you, share it with a friend who might need encouragement. And remember, God is a God of clarity. Keep seeking Him and you will hear His voice. See you next time. Hi, and thank you for joining me for our Wednesday Q& A. Clarity is key, so if you have more questions about God, the Bible, faith, or how to apply it to real life situations, please Feel free to email me at hello at alexandraalvarezcoaching. com. It's hello at alexandraalvarezcoaching. com. A L E X A N D R A A L V A R E Z coaching. com. And if you're enjoying the show, I'd really appreciate it. If you could leave a review, that's how I know what's resonating with you. So just go to Curious for Christ on Apple podcast or Spotify. Scroll down and click write a review. Don't forget to follow the show so you're notified when our next Q& A is out. Thanks again and I'll see you next week.