Curious For Christ | Spiritual Healing, Trust in God, Anxiety Bible Verses, God's Peace, Biblical Encouragement
Do you feel lost and unsure about your purpose in life?
Do you desire to live out God’s will for your life, but have no idea where to start?
Are you struggling with doubt and loneliness, and wish you had someone to support you as you grow in your connection with God?
I’m so excited you’re here! In this podcast, we’ll explore the Bible to help you understand God’s will and purpose in your life. You’ll build consistency in reading the Word and your prayer life, so you can strengthen your personal convictions and experience the peace and happiness that comes from a life rooted in God. We'll also explore how your faith can help you build peaceful relationships with family and friends and guide you in helping others.
Hi, I am Alexandra, mom of 2 incredible children and married to my best friend and partner in the faith.
For years, I tried to find happiness and a sense of purpose in all the wrong places.
I consumed endless self-help books, I would study more, analyze my past, find temporary relief in world distractions, try avoidance for temporary relief, attempt to change others in the hope of improving my relationships, only to find myself exhausted, living in my past, not enjoying the present and with no hope for a future. I had so many dreams but no direction to where my next step would be.
I finally realized that if I wanted to find lasting peace, I had to build my life on a solid unshakable foundation. I found Christ and the amazing peace that comes from being fully known and loved unconditionally.
With the help of mentors, I understood God’s will for my life and developed an unwavering relationship with Him. And I am thrilled to share it with you and give back as I was poured into.
Are you ready to finally find peace for your soul? Partner with the Everlasting God and discover your life's purpose, His amazing will for you, and how to walk in His steps. Experience fulfilling relationships and a sense of purpose that surpasses anything you can dream or imagine.
Open your Bible, put in those earbuds, and listen up! God is speaking to you. He is making everything new. Do you perceive it? Let's get started.
Curious For Christ | Spiritual Healing, Trust in God, Anxiety Bible Verses, God's Peace, Biblical Encouragement
62. Q&A: What/Who is God?
Today, we answer one of life’s most profound and timeless questions: What-or who-is God? We explore Scripture and personal reflections to uncover God’s nature and how we can relate to Him personally.
Key Scriptures:
• Exodus 3:14 – “I AM WHO I AM” (God’s eternal and self-existent nature).
• 1 John 4:8 – “God is love” (God as the source of love itself).
• Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God created” (God as Creator and sustainer of all things).
• John 14:9 – “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (Jesus reveals who God is).
• Psalm 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God” (trust in God’s presence).
Call to Action:
This week, take a moment to pray and ask: “God, who are You to me?” Explore His answer through Scripture and reflection.
- Join our Facebook Group
- Schedule a Discovery Call to start your personal spiritual journey grounded in God.
Stay curious and I'll see you next time on Curious for Christ!
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Want to go deeper? Let's connect—set up a FREE Discovery Call today. See you next time!
Welcome back to curious for Christ. Today's question is one that has been asked for generations. What or who. Is God, that's a big one and I wanted to explore it with you today. Have you ever stopped to wonder what does it mean when people say God. Is God, a person, a force or something more. I want to dive into scripture today with you. And have some personal reflections to impac this mystery. Welcome to curious for Christ. Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night? Wondering about God's plan for your life. Maybe you wake up with big dreams, but feel unsure where to start or what your next step should be. If you're curious about exploring your faith and finding purpose, then you've come to the right place. Hi, I'm Monica, Sandra. I too felt lost unsure of the direction my life was taking. I yearned to understand my purpose and have someone guide me. But I kept telling myself I was too busy, the timing wasn't right. And my lack of clarity prevented me from being consistent until I found Christ. He brought peace into my life and we field the way to find purpose by anchoring myself. In him. In this podcast, we'll journey together, exploring the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of him. and cultivate your own personal relationship with Christ. So open up your Bible, put in those ear buds and listen up because God is speaking to you. He is making everything new and you don't want to miss it. Let's get started. Segment one. Exploring God's nature through scripture. So Exodus three verse 14 says I am who I am. God reveals himself here as eternal and self existent to Moses at the burning Bush, he uses the present tense. I am. Like he always is always, has been, always, will be. And I am who I am. He is not defined by a creator that made him, he is self existent. Then in first, John four verse eight, it says, God is love. God is not just a being, but the source of love itself. And then Genesis one, verse one. It says in the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. God is here. A creator and sustainer of all things. Here are a few key points. God is eternal beyond time and space. God is personal. He is love. He has a, will. He has emotions and he desires a relationship with humanity. God is Trinity, also father, son, and holy spirit, three persons. One essence. Segment two. What do different people believe about God? So here's the Christian perspective. As we saw from the Bible in Christianity, God is both transcendent above and beyond creation and imminent near us. This means he is infinite. Yet deeply personal and relational. But there's other worldviews out there. And I wanted to go through them a little bit so that we can compare with Christianity There's DSM that presents God as a distant creator. There's also pantheism. Where God is identical with the universe. He's in all things. And then there's atheism. Which is a denier of God's existence altogether. And if you wish to have some evidence on God's existence, Go ahead and listen to episode 44, where I unpack a little bit. Does God exists from the evidence? Not only from the Bible, but science and then an extra ingredient. Just go ahead and listen to episode 44. So. Unlike other views that often see God is distant in personal or even identical to the universe. The Bible presents. God is deeply personal and loving. He is not just a force or an abstract idea, but a relational being in his essence who knows us. Intimately and does die as a close connection with us in through Jesus Christ. We see the ultimate expression of God's personal love and his willingness to engage. With humanity. So if God is truly infinite and loving. That has an impact on the way we live our lives. Right. It has to be. Imagine if God is truly infinite and loving. It just transforms how we live by grounding our lives in his unconditional love. Purpose. And trust. It calls us to see ourselves and others as deeply valued. Made by God to act with compassion and humility and to align our actions with justice and care for the world. This belief frees us from fear. It's not just you in the universe to have to figure it all out. No, you have this loving creator who made you on purpose. It fosters gratitude. And inspires us to grow beyond selfishness. Because if God is transcendent, We would be called to transcend our only mutations and to living with courage. When we are fearful or with kindness, when there's no love around, when we don't see that around us, there would be a sense of deeper meaning also to all things. That's food for thought. And actually I built this entire podcast to help you. I live the life that God has designed and desires for you. Segment three. So now I want to go to some more personal application. How do we relate to God? Well, the Bible says we relate to God through Jesus. In the new Testament. We see the ultimate revelation of who God is. Jesus Christ. He said anyone who has seen me has seen the father in John 14, verse nine. Also Jesus makes the unknowable God knowable to us. And in Matthew one verse 23, Jesus has called Emmanuel, which means God with us. So here's some practical steps to know God. Number one, pray, talk to God openly, like a loving father. Share your heart and seek his guidance. Number two. Read scripture, read the Bible. I discover God's character and his promises through the Bible and let his character shape your thoughts and actions. His love for you. His faithfulness, the plans he has for you. Let that sink in for you personally. And number three. Trust. Take steps of faith by seeking his way for your life. And trust grows when we step out of faith. So. Join a Bible study. Find a mentor. Growing a supportive community. And if you don't have a community or even if you have one. Go ahead and join my Facebook group community, go to B I T dot L Y slash. Curious for Christ community. And also. Get on a call with me to start your personal spiritual journey go to bit dot L Y curious for Christ discovery. God, isn't a distant, mysterious force. He is a loving creator. Who wants to be known? And invites us into a relationship with him. So that's it for today. Final thoughts for you. What or who is God? He is the eternal creator. The source of love, the one who desires to know you and through Jesus Christ. We see the fullness of God's love, revealed wherever you are on your journey. God is closer than you think. So this week, take the time to pray and ask God who are you to meet? You might be surprised by how he answers. I will leave you with this scripture from Psalm 46, verse 10. Be still. And know that I'm God happy Thanksgiving to you all. And remember to be still during the season. And no. Who got his. Until next week. Hi, and thank you for joining me for our Wednesday Q& A. Clarity is key, so if you have more questions about God, the Bible, faith, or how to apply it to real life situations, please Feel free to email me at hello at alexandraalvarezcoaching. com. It's hello at alexandraalvarezcoaching. com. A L E X A N D R A A L V A R E Z coaching. com. And if you're enjoying the show, I'd really appreciate it. If you could leave a review, that's how I know what's resonating with you. So just go to Curious for Christ on Apple podcast or Spotify, Scroll down and click write a review. Don't forget to follow the show so you're notified when our next Q& A is out. Thanks again and I'll see you next week.