Curious For Christ | Spiritual Healing, Trust in God, Anxiety Bible Verses, God's Peace, Biblical Encouragement

54. Q&A: Can I experience God's Goodness without a Relationship with Him?

Alexandra Graff-Alvarez

In this episode, we dive into a question that may resonate with many listeners: “Can we experience good things in life without having a relationship with God?” God’s goodness can manifest in our lives, whether or not we’re actively pursuing Him, and what it might mean for us.

Episode Highlights:

1. Definition of Goodness and Its Divine Origin

• What do we mean by “good”? We explore the concept of goodness as rooted in God’s very nature, reflecting qualities like kindness, justice, and compassion.

• From Genesis to the New Testament, the Bible reminds us that “good” is more than just a label—it’s an alignment with God’s perfect standards.

2. Understand Common Grace• We discuss common grace—the blessings that God extends to all people, regardless of faith (Matthew 5:45). God’s sun rises on both the just and the unjust, and His goodness is woven into the world for everyone to experience.

3. Unexpected Sources of Goodness

• Can goodness come from those who aren’t following God? We look at examples like the Good Samaritan, Cyrus the Persian king, and others who reflect God’s character, showing that goodness can emerge from unexpected places.

4. Recognize God’s Goodness as an Invitation

• God’s blessings can serve as invitations to recognize His presence and draw closer to Him. Even in times of doubt, good things in our lives may be gentle reminders of His care and compassion.

5. Success, Challenges, and God’s Favor

• Good outcomes or success aren’t always indicators of a relationship with God, just as challenges don’t mean a lack of God’s favor. From Job’s story to the Beatitudes, we see that true blessing often transcends outward circumstances.

6. Choose Goodness and Its Ripple Effects

• Our choices, even if not consciously made with God in mind, can align with His principles and lead to positive experiences. Living out values like kindness, forgiveness, and patience often brings about peace, stronger connections, and well-being, revealing God’s wisdom in our lives.

Key Takeaways:

  • God’s Goodness is All Around: Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, God’s goodness is present. Recognizing it can open doors to deeper spiritual growth.

  • An Invitation Through Blessings: The good things we experience may be invitations from God to know Him better and build a relationship with Him.

Closing Thought:

Reflect on the good things in your life. How is God showing His love and presence, even in the small blessings? Whether you’re new to faith or searching for answers, know that God’s goodness is a steady invitation to come closer.

Scripture to Reflect On:

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights…” (James 1:17)

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  • Uncover God's fingerprints in your life's experiences.
  • Develop a stronger understanding of your faith.
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Thank you for listening, and may God’s goodness gu

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Welcome back to curious for Christ every Wednesday, I'll be tackling a question that you have sent me. Today we will be addressing a common struggle. Many people experienced blessings or positive events in their lives, even when they feel distant from God or unsure about their face. So that is question that comes a lot. Can I experience God's goodness, without having a relationship with him? But then also can something good happen to us that isn't from God. We'll introduce this topic by exploring a little bit, the relationship between our faith and the good things that occur in our lives. Personally looking back. I realized that even when I had no understanding of God or faith, he was present in my life and he is in yours as well. For instance, I had small crushes growing up. That's just how I was. Nothing serious, but through certain boys are now see how God was showing me his love and tenderness. God loves in a romantic way too. And after college, after I lost my father. I quickly found a great job at the European union with excellent pay, low taxes. Ample time off. And it felt like God was giving me the space to grieve without, other worries in life. So let's dive a little bit in this subject right now. Welcome to curious for Christ. Do you ever find yourself lying awake at night? Wondering about God's plan for your life. Maybe you wake up with big dreams, but feel unsure where to start or what your next step should be. If you're curious about exploring your faith and finding purpose, then you've come to the right place. Hi, I'm Monica, Sandra. I too felt lost unsure of the direction my life was taking. I yearned to understand my purpose and have someone guide me. But I kept telling myself I was too busy, the timing wasn't right. And my lack of clarity prevented me from being consistent until I found Christ. He brought peace into my life and we field the way to find purpose by anchoring myself. In him. In this podcast, we'll journey together, exploring the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of him. and cultivate your own personal relationship with Christ. So open up your Bible, put in those ear buds and listen up because God is speaking to you. He is making everything new and you don't want to miss it. Let's get started. Segment one, understanding goodness and its sources. If there are many. Number one, the nature of good. What do we mean by good. And why do we see certain things as inherently positive or desirable? In the biblical context, goodness is deeply tied to God's nature. And reflects his character. Love and holiness. And according to the Bible, goodness, isn't just a random or subjective trait. It is an essential aspect of God himself. When we call something good, where often recognizing a quality or action that mirrors God's character, things like kindness or justice or compassion and mercy. In Genesis after each stage of creation, God calls his work. Good. This declaration, isn't merely a label, but implies that. What he has created aligns with his perfect standards and purposes. So understanding goodness as part of God's essence helps us see that goodness has a divine origin. And is not based on human opinion or shifting cultural norms. The us when something is labeled good, in a biblical sense, it aligns with God's will. It brings order beauty. Or kindness into the world. Number two, there's this notion of common grace in Matthew 5 47. It says God causes his son to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous God's goodness is evident in the world, impacts everyone, regardless of your faith, everyone can benefit in some ways from God's goodness. And then number three, the connection with non-believers. Good things can come from unexpected sources also, including those who may not be actively following God. So here's some biblical examples that I want to share where goodness comes from individuals who are not actively following God. Number one, the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10 verses 25 through 37. In this story, a Samaritan who would have been seen as an outsider or even an enemy by the Jewish audience shows great compassion to a wounded man. Whom others have ignored. And while not actively, part of the Jewish faith. To Samaritan's kindness reflects God's compassion. And challenges expectations of where goodness can come from. It can come from. Anywhere. Number two Cyrus, the Persian king. In Isaiah 45 verses one through four, although not a follower of the God of Israel, king Cyrus of Persia was used by God to allow. The Israelites to return from exile and rebuild Jerusalem. So this bite has lack of belief. Cyrus became an instrument of good for God's people. And it demonstrated that God can work through anyone regardless of their faith. Number three, the Egyptian Pharaoh's daughter in Exodus, two verses five through 10. When Moses was an infant Pharaoh's daughter found him in the river and chose to save him even though her father was persecuting the Hebrews. So her compassion and willingness to adopt Moses spared his life and it set the stage for him to later lead God's people out of Egypt. So this kindness from an outsider became part of God's larger purpose. As we see. Segment two. Recognizing God in unexpected plastics. I really want you to open your eyes to God. Work right now. Because, yes, we see that God brings, goodness. God is good. Is God expecting something from showing his goodness. In Exodus 34 verse six, it says the Lord. The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Slow to anger. There is this anger, an element perhaps of justice. For all that is happening. That is not good. But God abounds in love and faithfulness. So I really encourage you to look for God's fingerprints in your life, even during times of doubt or distance, because I believe that God. Uses good things as a way to draw us back to him. Experiencing God's goodness often serves as an invitation for people to recognize his presence. And grow in faith or come to know him more deeply. And while not everyone who experiences God's goodness, immediately turns to face. These blessings, we feel his character, his kindness, his love, and his care for humanity. For. Those that are open to it. These moments of goodness can become transformative. It is your choice to see that, these blessings can serve as a catalyst for faith and for spiritual growth. So here now some examples from the Bible of people who experienced blessings and as a result, grew in faith and were drawn closer to God. Number one, the woman at the weld in John four. Verses one through 42, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well and offers her living water. He reveals knowledge of her life and her past. And this unexpected kindness, Jesus compassionate and accepting conversation. Lead her, to believe in him as the Messiah. And then she goes and shares her experience with others in a town. Which sparks more belief. In her town from many others. Number two, Naaman the Syrian in second king chapter five. Namaan a Syrian army commander with leprosy seeks healing after hearing about the prophet, Alicia. Initially he is skeptical. He follows Elijah's instructions. However, to wash in the Jordan river and his miraculously healed. This blessing of healing leads Namaan to acknowledge the God of Israel as the only true God. And he returned home with a new found faith. Number three, the apostle Paul from acts nine verses one through 19. Paul then known as Saul is on a mission to persecute Christians. When he encounters Jesus in a blinding vision on the road to Damascus. And after being miraculously healed of his blindness Paul's life. Is completely transformed. He becomes a devoted follower of Christ and a key figure of spreading the gospel. By showing how this blessing and encounter with Jesus. Redirect him. Toward a life of faith. Number four, the widow of sacrifice. From the first Kings 17 verses eight through 24. During a severe drought, the prophet Elijah asks a Gentile widow to provide him with food. And despite her scar city, she obeys. And God miraculously provides a continuous supply of flour and oil and leader. When her son becomes ill and dies, Elijah prays and God restores a child to life. Which we see that through these blessings, the widow comes to believe that Elijah is God. Is truly the living God. Okay, so segment three. When goodness and bad choices could light. There is a dilemma of choices as we saw. Good things can occur despite a lack of commitment to God. And this can be confusing because it could lead to questions about the legitimacy of our experiences. We see that successful people who may not have a relationship with God can experience good outcomes, success, and goodness, don't always equate to divine favor or a solid relationship with God. Actually, blessings and challenges are not always direct indicators of God's approval or disapproval. In the Bible. We see examples of people who experienced success and prosperity yet lack a deep relationship with God. For instance, many Kings of Israel were wealthy and powerful, but some straights far from God's. Well, Similarly, the rich man in Jesus' parable it Luke 16 verses 19 through 31. Lived in luxury. Yet, ultimately missed out on a relationship with God. There were opportunities. But he chose not to respond to those. And so success, wealth or blessings can sometimes be gifts. But they're not necessarily. Signs of divine fever. Or a strong connection with God. Instead, they meet tests, priorities and faithfulness. On the other hand, challenges and hardships are not necessarily signs of being outside of God's favor, joke story. For instance, is a powerful example. He loses everything, not because he likes face, but because of his righteousness. Similarly Paul faced imprisonment, suffering and rejection, despite his deep relationship with Christ. Jesus also emphasizes that the poor in spirit. Those who mourn, and those who are persecuted are blessed in Matthew five. Verses three through 12. Which shows that God's favor often exists a mint challenges rather than a part. From them. And this perspective. Helps us helps the leavers to find peace and purpose beyond their circumstances. While we might be tempted to see success as approve of gods fever. Or struggle as a sign of his dis fever. God's love and favor are often more profound. They shape our character. They draw us closer to him and help us trust his plans over outward success. So I would like to reflect on the intent. Our intentions and choices often impact the goodness we experience in life. Even if there aren't consciously committed to God. When we make decisions that align with God's principles, like choosing honesty, kindness, patience, or generosity, there's a natural ripple effect. These values promote peace in relationships, build trust, and contribute to our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. For instance. Someone who practices forgiveness may find more peace in their heart and healthier relationships. A direct result of living in a way that aligns with God's character. Whether or not, they recognize it at such similarly choosing patients or humility in challenging situations can lead to more favorable outcomes. And stronger connections. Which reflect God's wisdom in daily life. Want it to reflect on this because it reminds us that the concept of sowing and reaping. You know that idea that certain principles like love justice and selflessness naturally bear good fruit when applied. So even for those who aren't fully committed to God, living by these principles can lead to positive experiences just because they reveal the inherent goodness embedded in God's ways. We have free will. We can make choices to live one way or the other. Bad. When we rely on God's guidance and choose his ways, we don't only experience his blessings and goodness. But we also develop a deeper relationship with him. Because we depend. On his guidance. I hope this makes sense. So can we experience God's goodness, even if we don't believe yet. Right. Yes, we can, we can experience God's goodness, but. There is an invitation behind the goodness we have received. That's why I say yeah. Right. There is an expectation. That perhaps we will find, and we will see God in all of this and that is God's heart behind it. So. I invite you to consider the good things in your life and ask how have I seen God at work? Even in times of doubt. And to reflect on these moments through perhaps journaling or even in prayer. You can even look for patterns. Where God may be showing himself in specific, meaningful ways over and over in your life. This may be the beginning of an invitations from God to. Seek him. And to see him. So the key takeaways for this episode are. Goodness ultimately comes from God, but it can also flow from our choices and common. Grace is extended to all and recognizing God's work can open a path to a deeper relationship with him. I will close with this verse from James one verse 17, every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights. All goodness in our lives flows from God and draws us back to him. So that's it for today. I pray that God's presence and goodness guide you closer to him. The one who best toes. Blessings. Wherever you are on your journey. So if you have more questions, like these, feel free to email them to me at hello at Alexandra Alvarez coaching. Dot com hello, pat. Alexandra offers And if you're feeling unsure about where God's goodness shows up in your life, or if you're ready to deepen your face and build a personal relationship with him. Let me help you. Let me guide you. Maybe you're new to the faith or maybe you've been. Piecing it all together on your own, but could you some guidance. Understanding who God really is, how to read the Bible, what it truly means to be a Christian all from the Bible. Let's connect today. You can join me for a one-on-one coaching session will help you every step of the way. So had to bit dot L Y forward slash spiritual growth coaching to set up a time it's bit dot L Y four a slash spiritual growth coaching. I'd love to hear your story and support you in discovering God's love and purpose for your life. Bye for now. Hi, and thank you for joining me for our Wednesday Q and a clarity is key. So if you have more questions about God, the Bible face, or how to apply it to real life situations. Feel free to email me at hello at Alexandra Alvarez. It's hello. At Alexandra Alvarez, L E X, a N D R a. A L V a R E Z. And if you're enjoying the show, I'd really appreciate it. If you could leave a review. That's how I know what's resonating with you. So just go to curious for Christ on apple podcast or Spotify, scroll down and click, write a review. Don't forget to follow the show. So you're notified when our next Q and a is out. Thanks again. And I'll see you next week.