Curious For Christ | Christianity, Believer, Bible Truth, New Age, Exmo

#39: Are you the only non-Christian in your Household? 5 Ways to Build your Faith without Pressure

Alexandra Alvarez | Spiritual Coach

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Feeling pressured in your faith journey? This episode is for you and explores practical ways to cultivate a personal relationship with God. Discover how to build your own faith foundation without feeling pressured. Remember it is all about God and His timing!

1: Start with Prayer

  • The Importance of Prayer:
    • Prayer is a direct line to God for sharing thoughts, feelings, and needs.
  • Scripture Reference: Philippians 4:6-7
    • Be open with your request and thank God for all the good in your life!
  • Tips for Starting a Prayer Routine:
    • Start small in a quiet space, speaking from the heart. 
    • Consistency is key. Pray daily!

2: Read the Bible

  • The Power of Scripture:
    • The Bible is God's Word, offering wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
  • Scripture Reference: Psalm 119:105
    • Bible is a lamp guiding your path.
  • Tips for Bible Reading:
    • Start with Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) for Jesus' life and teachings.
    • Use Bible apps with daily plans & subscribe to the podcast for scripture references.

3: Listen to Worship Music

  • The Impact of Worship Music:
    • Worship music helps us connect with God emotionally.
  • Scripture Reference: Psalm 100:1-2
  • Incorporating Worship Music into Your Day:
    • Create a playlist of meaningful worship songs.
    • Listen during commutes, chores, or morning routines.
    • Find music that resonates with you.

4: Join a Small Group or Bible Study

  • The Benefits of Community:
    • You NEED the support and encouragement offered by fellow believers in small groups or Bible studies.
  • Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:20
    • God is present when believers gather. (No need for a huge gathering to encounter God's presence)
  • Finding a Community:

5: Reflect and Journal

  • The Power of Reflection:
    • Journaling as a tool to process spiritual experiences and see God's work in your life.
  • Scripture Reference: Lamentations 3:22-23
  • Tips for Journaling:
    • Set aside time for daily or weekly reflection.
    • Encourage journaling about prayers, Bible readings, and insights.


  • Recap of the Five Ways:
    • prayer, Bible reading, worship music, community, and journaling.
  • Encouragement:
    • God meets you where you are and your journey is unique!
  • Scripture Reference: James 4:8
    • The scripture calls you to draw near to God.
  • Call to Action:
    • Share your experiences in the Facebook group or comments by writing a review on Apple Podcasts.

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